During the 2019-2020 academic school year, two students at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy identified an issue: the discourse surrounding issues affecting the Black community in Canada, and across the globe, was a limited topic of discussion within the School. Systemic racism is a deeply entrenched issue, and unfortunately, it is one that many individuals in power have chosen to turn a blind eye. It is clear that being silent is no longer acceptable, nor is it appropriate.
“We are hopeful that our insights will act as a catalyst for change at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, and beyond! ”
By developing its comprehensive 2020 constitution, The MSBSA seeks to positively impact the development of the Black student community at Munk and establish a vehicle through which our concerns can be brought to the table.
Amidst the 2020 global uprisings against anti-Black racism, the MSBSA was formed.
An important step forward in tackling anti-Black racism is creating spaces in which important, and in some instances uncomfortable conversations are held. We are grateful that Global Conversations is providing us with a platform where we can discuss the intersectional factors associated with Blackness.
Goals for 2021 and beyond
While the formation of the initiative was an important moment for the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, the MSBSA team is keenly aware of the tremendous responsibility and weight that will go into facilitating change through their work. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the primary goal of the MSBSA will be to focus on the challenges that Black communities have, and continue to face in contemporary society. The MSBSA will amplify Black voices by organizing and hosting events that provide insight as to what can and should be done to dismantle the systems and structures that have worked to oppress Black people